Let's take a break from all the tech hoopla of CES 2011, shall we? It's a Saturday, anyway. Think out of this world. Think Avatar-themed weddings in China. Wait, what?
Forestry officials of Wulingyuan, an area found in the Chinese province of Hunan, have started what is called "Tours of Pandora" and even wedding ceremonies based on the hit movie Avatar. If you don't know it yet, the mountain formerly known as Southern Sky Column and is now called Avatar Hallelujah Mountain bears some resemblance to the floating mountains on Pandora.
Some fans of Avatar may have already gone through this whole Avatar-themed wedding, but one of them, a bride named Xiao Tsao, described it as pathetic, with the Na'Vi being a couple of forestry workers dressed in long underwear dyed blue. We can't blame her. Maybe they should have included those ginormous war machines and exotic, man-eating plants and animals to seal the deal. Now that would be brownie points for the forestry officials – or maybe not.
I wanna marry too!